Laura Plummer - Instagram Strategist & Educator


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This Freelance Insights interview features Instagram strategist and educator Laura Plummer.

I first came across Laura over a year ago when a previous Freelance Insights interviewee, Meg Harrop, shared that she was working with Laura on her branding. I started following Laura and have continued to do so ever since because I really love her style. She shares bite-sized Instagram tips for freelancers and small business owners that come in handy on a day-to-day basis. If you’d like to watch Laura’s interview in full, you can head on over to Instagram.

Laura set up her Pocket Shop a year ago. It’s a library of actionable Instagram training sessions that are 45-60 minutes long, where people can pick and choose specific topics based on what they need. Some of the training sessions are free of charge, and you can access them by clicking the button further down this page.

How do you describe what you do for work?

It’s shifted a lot from when I started. I set up the business over 3 years ago to focus on online support for business owners. I began concentrating on social media early on, but over the last 18-24 months, I’ve been focusing solely on Instagram. My approach has become even more targeted this past year, and I now help business owners show up on Instagram in a sustainable way that they can enjoy.

What's your favourite thing about working freelance?

I initially set up my own business so I could travel. With the pandemic, I’ve really missed the face-to-face element, and I’m adding more of that back in. But for me, there’s nothing better than getting to control how your day looks. Being able to go for a walk or a coffee with a friend whenever you want is just so refreshing. You’re living and working at the same time rather than working to live.

Where do you usually work from?

I’ve just moved house, so I’m currently working from a camping table. But I’ve never had a permanent workspace. I started travelling alongside setting up the business, and when I came back, I worked at kitchen/dining tables. But then we stayed in an Airbnb where I had an office, and I noticed such a difference. I was more productive and could switch off, so I’m getting my own office in the new house.

What does a normal working day look like for you?

I split my week to have set things on certain days. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are always calls, so I might have an Instagram day or power hours, or I’ll be working with existing clients. Then Mondays are for content creation, for clients and myself, and I aim to have Fridays as creative inspiration days. I like to get up early and finish by 3:30pm because my brain stops working later in the day!

What one tip would you give other freelancers about running a freelance business?

I would say not to force things. If your gut tells you there’s something that doesn’t feel right, you’re allowed to not go through with it or pursue it. It’s completely your choice. Allow yourself to make changes. You don’t have to stick with anything you’ve set out to do if it isn’t a good fit. At the same time, I’d recommend saying yes to opportunities that do present themselves and that feel aligned.

Free resource

If you’d like more tips from Laura, her Pocket Shop offers bite-sized, actionable training sessions that are either free or accessibly priced. To browse her library and learn about showing up on Instagram in a sustainable way, click on the button below.


Connect with Laura

Instagram: @thepocketva



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