Liz Mosley - Graphic Designer

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Want to watch the interview with Liz in full? Click the image above!

This Freelance Insights interview features graphic designer Liz Mosley.

I started following Liz after someone shared some of her GIFs on their Instagram stories. I began using them and enjoying Liz’s content, and I’ve been following her ever since. I just love her style! I wanted to introduce you to Liz so she could share some of her wisdom and insights with you. Her perspective on getting started with your branding as a small business owner and seeing it as an evolutionary process is so refreshing.

Liz loves using email marketing in her business to reinforce her brand and wants to help other small business owners to do the same. She has put together a list of 52 ideas for emails you can send to your own subscribers, which you can access by clicking the button further down this page.

How do you describe what you do for work?

Saying I’m a graphic designer kind of covers everything, but I’m more specialised in branding and animated GIFs for small businesses. That said, I’m not very good at niching down because I like doing loads of different things. So I also design websites, host a podcast, do a bit of mentoring, teach workshops, and I have two courses that I run. I enjoy trying new things, so it all works well for me.

What's your favourite thing about working freelance?

I feel like this answer is probably going to be a bit of a cliché, but it’s the flexibility, in all its different forms. The big one is being able to run my business around my kids and spend more time with them than if I was at an office nine to five. I also love having the freedom to decide which projects I’m going to work on rather than being assigned to them like I was when I used to work in-house.

Where do you usually work from?

I work from home. My husband and I are both currently working from a desk in our bedroom, which isn’t ideal. Although we do have gorgeous bay windows that are perfect for daydreaming! Eventually, I’d love to have a designated room to work in, but I am quite happy working from home. In the future, I would consider a coworking space, but I thought I’d miss the social aspect of an office more than I do.

What does a normal working day look like for you?

Since my husband and I are both freelance, we divide the day in half and work in shifts. One of us will do 9am until 1:30pm, and the other will do 1:30pm until 6pm. So I usually work the morning shift, then I’ll stop, have lunch and go into parenting mode. I had a long run of having too much work on and working in the evenings too, but I’m trying to be a lot better at that.

What one tip would you give other freelancers about running a freelance business?

My main tip would be to find other business owner friends who you can use as a sounding board. Often, it’s really easy to allow things about your business to spiral in your own head. My business owner friends have become my colleagues, and it’s so nice to be able to send them a voice note and receive feedback on an idea or advice on a problem. They’ve become such a source of support for me.

Free resource

Liz loves using email marketing in her business to reinforce her brand and wants to help other small business owners to do the same. She has put together a list of 52 ideas for emails you can send to your own subscribers. Click on the button below to get access.


Connect with Liz

Instagram: @lizmmosley



The Building Your Brand podcast:


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Freelance Insights: Liz Mosley, graphic designer
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